GOWA - The Crime and Violence Team (Jatanras) of the Gowa Police Criminal Investigation Unit, South Sulawesi, arrested 13 members of a motorcycle gang who made restless and attacked residents. Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Boby Rachman accompanied by Head of Public Relations of Gowa Police AKP Mangatas Tambunan said as many as 13 perpetrators were arrested after several repeatedly attacked residents which resulted in reporting to the police. "What we have secured is 13 people and they were arrested after the video went viral and we studied the video from the CCTV cameras of our residents to identify the culprit," he said in Gowa, Friday, February 4. AKP Boby Rachman said out of 13 people Those arrested, his party has named 10 people as suspects and three others as witnesses. As for the 10 motorcycle gang members who were named suspects with the initials FM (22), AR (22), RY (16), WR (16), NF (25 ), AR (14), AS (15), SE (17), MR (17), and TN (17). investigation and the perpetrators were subsequently apprehended. The results of the initial investigation, he said, the perpetrators admitted to molesting a security guard Suardi on Jalan Basoi Daeng Bunga and damaging the security post. Victim Suardi admitted that he was mistreated using sharp objects and throwing stones, including arrows pierced his leg. "They attacked using sharp weapons. Not only that, they mistreated the victim and threw stones at the post," he said. in the form of 3 motorcycles, 13 arrows, 2 river stones, 2 machetes, 2 catapults, 1 machine, and a grinder for arrowheads. AKP Boby stated that the motive for the attack to make the terror video content was because of a grudge between the Swadaya Gang and the Pelor Gang Prior to the attack, the suspects planned to attack a motorcycle gang adjacent to the security post (Geng Pelor).

Because there was a commotion, then security checked out and the perpetrators returned to attack. The perpetrators suspected that the security guard was a member of the Pelor Gang. According to him, the two motorcycle gangs had crossed paths on Jalan Basoi Daeng Bunga so that they became offended and ignited the emotions of the two gangs and then culminated in an attack on each other. disbandment. "The arrival of security was thought to be by the Pelor Gang, then the Swadaya Gang attacked the victim using a bow and pelted the security post. The perpetrators fled immediately," he explained. Investigators charged the suspect with Article 170 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code and Article 351 paragraph (1) KUHP in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1e KUHP. "The maximum penalty is five years and six months in prison. We urge residents to immediately report an incident like this to the police and expect parents to supervise their children so that they not involved in a certain group that leads to criminal acts," said AKP Boby Rachma n.

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