JAKARTA - Two detainees from the Kembangan Police, West Jakarta, were exposed to COVID-19 based on the results of a medical test on Thursday, February 3. Jakarta, Friday, February 4. Ady said that his party had prepared a special scenario if any prisoners were exposed to COVID-19. The steps prepared are to separate prisoners exposed to COVID-19 to a special room. This is done so that the virus does not spread to other prisoners. After being separated, his party carried out tracing to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

While the "tracing" was running, the police continued to monitor the condition of prisoners who were exposed to COVID-19. Detainees will also be given vitamins regularly. "We provide stimulus in the form of vitamins and checks at the Health Affairs (Urkes) regularly," he added. Ady ensured that his party treated prisoners exposed to COVID-19 properly and in accordance with health protocols (prokes).

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