JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Asrorun Niam Sholeh appreciated the steps taken by the Head of BNPT Komjen Boy Rafli Amar who apologized for the diction error when releasing a list of Islamic boarding schools affiliated with terrorism.

"I especially saw the sincerity of the head of the (BNPT, ed) in the intensive discussion between BNPT and MUI that went from heart to heart for the past two and a half hours. MUI and BNPT are in the same line in countering terrorism, according to their respective regions. respectively," said Asrorun Niam in a written statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, February 3.

He said that the discussion was only to strengthen synergy and build understanding. "The head of BNPT Komjen Boy Rafli Amar also conveyed his apology to Muslims," he said.

During the meeting, Niam explained that there are common views on countering terrorism with multiple approaches.

"In terms of sensitive issues, there needs to be intensive discussions so that they are not counterproductive and have an impact on the destruction of the counter-terrorism efforts that have been built so far. This point becomes a joint commitment in the next step," he said.

During the meeting, the Head of BNPT Komjen Boy Rafli Amar conveyed the dynamics of countering terrorism which was his duty and listened to the input from the MUI leadership.

He realized that the mention of the name of the Islamic boarding school which was affiliated with terrorism had created an uproar and stigma against the Islamic boarding school. Although, it was not intended for that.

Therefore, he continued, BNPT apologized to the MUI and the leadership of the Islamic boarding school who felt disturbed by the submission, accompanied by a commitment to change the diction which could be considered a bad stigma in pesantren.

"No more mentioning Islamic boarding schools," said Boy, while showing his hands to the BNPT deputies and leaders who participated in the gathering.

Present at the meeting were Head of MUI for Legal Affairs Noor Ahmad, Chair of MUI for Fatwa Asrorun Niam Sholeh, Chair of MUI for Da'wah Cholil Nafis, Chair of MUI for Debt Assessment Ranuwijaya, Chair of MUI for Arts Jeje Zainudin, Secretary General of MUI Amirsyah, Deputy Secretary Generals, Deputy Chairmen MUI Fatwa Commission Amin Suma and Chairman of BPET MUI Syaukillah.

Meanwhile, from BNPT, the Head of BNPT Boy Rafli Amar, the Secretary of BNPT, all deputies and several directors at BNPT were present.

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