BANDUNG - Acting Mayor of Bandung Yana Mulyana confirmed that the Citilink mall manager, located on Jalan Peta, Bandung City, West Java, had been summoned by the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) regarding the presence of a crowd at the mall.

Yana admitted that she was waiting for the results of the Satpol PP investigation regarding the crowd incident. He said the Bandung City Government had also conveyed a warning to the mall about the presence of crowds.

"We will see the results of the Satpol PP investigation (related to the sealing sanction)," Yana said in Bandung, West Java, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 3.

Yana deeply regretted that there was a crowd at the lion dance performance held at the Citylink Festival. Even so, according to him, this incident occurred because of the euphoria of the people of Bandung City, who had not witnessed the festival for two years.

"We've seen the recording. It's full, yes. But after 10 minutes, the management immediately dismissed it, including our supervision," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Bandung City Trade and Industry Service (Disdagin) Elly Wasliah admitted that he had conveyed a warning to the mall manager since receiving the report.

According to Elly, his party had not received any prior notification regarding the lion dance event. The lion dance event is known to be held on Tuesday, February 1 in celebration of the Chinese New Year.

"I immediately called that afternoon and gave a threat. If I am not dismissed, I will come and do not hesitate to be sealed. We will be closed because the evidence is strong on me, and this is a serious violation," said Elly.

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