MEDAN - Residents found a woman's body in a rice field area of Mesjid Hamlet, Aras Kabu Village, Beringin District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra.

After being traced, the woman's body was named Imelda (20), a resident of Paluh Sibaji Village, Pantai Labu District.

The body was first discovered by a witness named Ngatemin (50), at that time, he and his colleagues were about to work harvesting rice around the location of the discovery. However, suddenly they saw a corpse floating face down.

After seeing the figure of the corpse, Ngatemin then left the location area and met the Kanit Binmas Polsek Kualanamu Airport, Iptu J Tarigan who was passing on the road at that time.

Furthermore, Iptu Tarigan reported the findings of the body to the Beringin Police. Not long after, the Banyan Sector Police Chief, AKP Doni Simanjuntak and his team arrived at the location.

Then, assisted by the Identification Unit of the Deli Serdang Police, the officers conducted an investigation of the crime scene and secured evidence in the area around the location where the body was found.

The head of the Beringin Police, AKP Doni Simanjuntak, from an examination of the victim's body, the officers found no signs of violence.

"There were no signs of violence on the victim's body. Then the body was taken to the Bhayangkara Hospital in Medan," said AKP Doni.

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