BADUNG - Three suspects in the criminal case of illegal turtle smuggling in Badung, Bali will immediately be tried following the P21 investigation file phase II. The three defendants are Surito, Sudirman and Joni Pranata.

"Yes, earlier, the transfer of Phase II of the Criminal Case for Conservation of Biological Resources and Their Ecosystems and the Crime of Fisheries from the Denpasar Navy Base Personnel to the Attorney General's Office of Badung for further trial immediately," said Head of the Intelligence Section of the Badung Prosecutor's Office, I Made Gde Bamaxs Wira Wibowo. , in his press statement in Badung, Bali, Thursday, February 3.

He said, the three suspects served as skipper of the ship (Jukung). The three suspects were caught red-handed by Patrol Members of Posmat Serangan Lanal Denpasar while catching turtles illegally. The waters of Serangan Bali on Thursday, December 30, 2021 at around 04.30 WITA Uluwatu Bali Waters heading to Bali Serangan Waters. Each of the suspects is suspected of violating Article 40 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 21 paragraph (2) letter a of Law No. 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and Their Ecosystems and Article 96 in conjunction with Article 36 Law No.45 of 2009 concerning amendments to Law No.31 of 20 04 concerning Fisheries. The evidence from the three suspects included three jukung with three engines of 15 PK, 32 large and medium-sized Green Turtles (Chelonia Mydas) (31 live and one cut dead) as well as securing the compressor engine, hoses, Ango water flashlights, as well as fin shoes or frog shoes. Previously, members of the Serangan Posmat and Intelligence Unit received information from the local community regarding the rampant turtle catching activities. After conducting an investigation and patrol using a rubber boat SFQR (Second Fleet Quick Response), the team immediately arrested the three suspects. For further processing, Lanal Denpasar coordinates with the Denpasar BKSDA for the process of storing turtle evidence and delegating investigations and investigations.

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