JAKARTA - The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) said the government guarantees the involvement of civil society in the discussion of the Draft Law on Sexual Violence (RUU TPKS).

Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko in an official statement in Jakarta, Thursday, said the government wants to present the principle of openness in developing the substance of the TPKS Bill that involves the perspectives and aspirations of the community.

Therefore, after holding a consignment for three days to discuss the problem inventory list (DIM) of the RPKS Bill, the government opened a public consultation with civil society and academics.

“The presence of civil society colleagues who are actively involved in contributing to drafting the substance of the TPKS Bill is a legacy for the future,” Moeldoko in a hybrid public consultation held in Jakarta, Thursday 3 February.

The public consultation was attended by relevant ministries/agencies as well as more than 80 representatives of civil society and academia who joined in person and virtual.

Moeldoko said collaboration between the government and the community is very important to respond to the sexual violence emergency in Indonesia.

Citing data from the National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan), from 2020 to June 2021 there were 301,878 cases of violence against women.

"The collaboration of all parties is obligatory in supporting and perfecting the TPKS Bill because sexual violence emergencies are not just numbers, but the physical and psychological damage to victims needs to be a serious concern for all of us," said Moeldoko.

Moeldoko emphasized that the government in drafting the DIM also took into account the outline of the construction of Indonesian criminal law.

He ensured that all relevant ministries/institutions had reviewed and combed through the laws and regulations so that the TPKS Bill did not overlap, and did not become repetitive and stood as the new legal norm.

The Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati said the government was trying to formulate a comprehensive and optimal DIM.

"The preparation of the DIM that can answer the problems and needs of the community related to sexual violence, especially against women and children, so that during the discussion at the Working Committee later there will be no problems," said I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati in the public consultation.

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