JAKARTA - As many as 54 people who violate health protocols in Sidoarjo Regency, East Java, have received punishment in the form of prayer together at the special grave for victims of the new corona virus or COVID-19, at the Delta Praloyo cemetery, Sidoarjo so that they will get a deterrent effect.

Head of the Sidoarjo City Police, Sr. Comr. Sumardji, said that on average, the offenders did not wear a mask when they left the house.

"It seems that the social punishment by cleaning up public facilities that has been implemented so far has not had a deterrent effect from violators of this health protocol, so we took the initiative to order the violators to pray together at the special grave of COVID-19 victims in Sidoarjo," he said as quoted by Antara, Saturday. , September 5.

He said the offenders were caught in curfew raids, and ignored health protocols by not wearing masks. The raids were held by joint officers of the police, TNI, and Satpol PP at coffee shops and cafes.

"So far, there are still many residents in Sidoarjo who ignore health protocols. They are still lacking discipline, especially those who do not wear masks and violate curfews," he said.

He added that in fact his party often conducts raids like this, and those who are caught are given social sanctions. However, many residents in Sidoarjo are still stubborn and ignore health protocols.

"This is an effort to deter them. In addition, this is a form of conveying morals to Sidoarjo residents about the real dangers of COVID-19," he said.

David, a resident of Sidoarjo who was caught in the raid, admitted that he was very sorry he would not repeat it and promised to use a mask every time he left the house.

"I was afraid that night of the Koran reading tahlil in the middle of a COVID-19 patient's grave," said David.

Data in Sidoarjo Regency until Friday, September 4, the number of positive patients with COVID-19 in Sidoarjo was 5,327 people. Of that number, 345 people were confirmed to have died.

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