PAPUA - Heram Police personnel are still investigating the burning of Building B, Faculty of Economics, Cenderawasih University (FE Uncen) located in Waena, Jayapura City, Papua.

"It is true that the investigation is still ongoing since there was a report of a fire in the building last Tuesday," said Jayapura City Police Chief, Kombes Gustav R Urbinas represented by Heram Police Chief AKP Frangky Rumbiak, in Jayapura, Antara, Wednesday, February 2.

He admitted, his members are currently still gathering witnesses and clues to uncover the perpetrators and the motive for the arson. Not all buildings in Building B FE Uncen caught fire, because they were extinguished by witnesses who were building guards.

"The burnt part of the wall and front entrance and one long bench made of wood," said Rumbiak.

On Monday night, at around 20.00 WIT, an unknown drunk person came to the front of the building and shouted for the building guard, namely the witness (SY) to go inside.

The drunken man's screams were ignored by the witness. Around 04.00 WIT, SY went in to rest. Then at 06.00 WIT, EK who is SY's grandson woke up and saw that there was a fire.

Witness SY and his grandson then tried to put out the fire. Then the witness reported the incident to the lecturer and the Heram Police who immediately went to the scene of the case (TKP).

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