MEDAN - Video of a man stuck in the window of a house has gone viral on social media. The man is said to be the perpetrator of the theft in a house on Jalan Paluh Perta, Belawan Bahagia Village, Medan Belawan District, Medan City.

In the video recorded by the victim, the man's face can be seen very clearly. The man has blonde hair and has a tattoo on his left hand.

According to information from the victim, the man allegedly named Andreas is none other than his neighbor. In his statement, victim Primanto Gulo (30) said the man called the perpetrator of the theft broke into his house, Tuesday, February 1.

"When the perpetrator was caught, he immediately ran to the window where he entered. There we tried to arrest the perpetrator," explained Primanto, Wednesday, February 2.

While filming the man, he also hit him and with his sister shouted for the other neighbors to wake up. Meanwhile, the perpetrator who was still trapped in the window tried to escape.

After trying to escape, the perpetrator and his partner who were outside finally managed to escape.

This is not the first time this has happened at his home. Previously, the victim had also lost her cellphone, however, she did not know who the culprit was.

"The incident has been reported to the Belawan Police. We hope that the perpetrators will be arrested soon," said Primanto.

Separately, the Belawan Police Chief, Kompol DJ Naibaho, when confirmed, said that his party had not yet received a report regarding the incident.

"There is no report to the Sector Police," said Kompol Naibaho, confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, February 2.

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