JAKARTA - The Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) continues to remind all parties about restitution which is the right of every victim, including in this case for victims of modern slavery cases. , Antonius Wibowo, in Jakarta, Wednesday 2 February.

In addition to the Witness and Victim Protection Law, restitution is also specifically regulated in the Law on the Eradication of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons. From the total calculation, the amount that is included in the prosecution's demands is around Rp. 5.5 billion. This means that only about 50 percent. "Meanwhile, the restitution that was decided or granted by the judges was around Rp. 3.7 billion. In other words, the amount of restitution payments is still quite far from the total calculation made by LPSK," he said. Especially for victims of TIP, the calculation of LPSK restitution is Rp. 8 .2 billion and which is included in the demands of the public prosecutor is around Rp. 4.8 billion. Of that amount, which was decided or granted by the judge was around Rp. 3.2 billion. "Meanwhile, what is paid by the perpetrator or received by the victim is still far from that figure," he said.

Ideally, the amount of restitution received by the victim is the same as that decided or granted by the judge. Because it is not yet ideal, LPSK continues to socialize and disseminate understanding among stakeholders that restitution is a victim's right. The socialization includes training on the identification and handling of victims of trafficking in persons for front-line officers in the fisheries sector in Indonesia, which will be held in Makassar on January 25 to 27, 2022. According to him, restitution for victims of trafficking in persons needs to be continuously disseminated to stakeholders in order to understand the mechanism of the request, and lead to increased synergy and cooperation in handling restitution. ). In more detail, six cases with 72 protected people/victims who are adult men. The ship's operating areas are the waters of Oman, Argentina, the Pacific Ocean, Singapore and the waters of South Korea. In addition to trafficking with crew members, LPSK also protects victims of trafficking in persons who come from other occupational sectors, namely household assistants, factory workers, and entertainment services with a total of 48 cases. " he said.

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