JAKARTA - Draft Law on Sexual Violence (RUU TPKS). Continue to ripen. The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) stated that the Government was continuing to develop a problem inventory list (DIM).

On Tuesday, February 1, KSP held a consignment for the preparation of the DIM Draft Bill on TPKS involving a number of relevant ministries/institutions, including the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) and the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (Ministry of PPPA).

"This DIM must be completed before the DPR enters a recess. President Jokowi has also ordered that the TPKS Bill must be ratified immediately. This means that the Government must also be fast in completing the administrative process and its substance. Fast but full of caution," said Wamenkumham Edward OS Hiariej in the Consignment of the TPKS Bill in Jakarta, Tuesday, as stated in the KSP press release.

The DPR itself will enter a recess on February 18, 2022. However, the Chair of the Working Committee (Panja) of the DPR TPKS Bill Willy Aditya targets that the TPKS Bill can be discussed in two sessions of the DPR.

The consignment related to DIM was also attended by the Minister of PPPA I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati and various parties from other ministries/agencies to ensure that the diversity of perspectives related to the protection of victims of sexual violence, law enforcement, and guarantees for the rehabilitation of victims can be accommodated effectively.

Since last year, KSP has initiated the formation of a task force to accelerate the TPKS Bill which not only involves ministries/agencies, but also involves elements of civil society, academia, and the media.

"Indonesia is in a sexual violence emergency. The state must continue to be present and there is no day off to protect its citizens. Therefore, we will continue to work on resolving the DIM without delaying a day," said Deputy V for Politics, Law, Security and Human Rights KSP Jaleswari Pramodhawardani who is also part of the task force for the acceleration of the TPKS Bill.

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