JAKARTA - Muara Pawan Sector Police, Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan arrested the perpetrator with the initials RB (31) on suspicion of extortion and rape of a minor in a tourist area in the sub-district.

Muara Pawan police chief, Ipda Dewa Verogusta when contacted in Muara Pawan, Tuesday, said that his party had arrested RB for extortion and rape of the victim who was a minor.

"The extortion case that led to rape was reported by the victim's mother with the initials SY (44) and her child or victim DA (16), the victim and suspect are both residents of Muara Pawan District, then a witness to the case, namely BS, a resident of Nanga Tayap District, Kabupaten Muara Pawan. Ketapang," he said, quoted from ANTARA, Tuesday, February 1.

He explained that the evidence that was secured was a black laptop unit, as well as one piece of underwear and one piece of trousers belonging to the victim. "After undergoing a series of examinations, today we raised his status from perpetrator to suspect in rape," he said.

The incident started when the victim reported her case to the Muara Pawan Police on January 28, who was accompanied by her mother, and after an examination, the perpetrator was raised to the status of a suspect.

The incident started when the victim and witness BS and his friend FR camped at the tourist location on January 27, 2022. Then at around 21.30 WIB the victim with BS and FR ate outside the tent at the scene. After eating, FR went home while the victim and witness entered the tent to rest and the tent door was only half closed.

"Not long after that, the suspect suddenly came to tear the door of the tent and flashed a flashlight into the tent, then the suspect ordered the victim and the witness to get out of the tent and the suspect took a machete that the witness and victim had previously brought to camp. While holding a machete, the suspect, RB, threatened to report it. victim and BS to his parents for being alone in a tent," he said.

Because he was afraid to be reported, BS asked the perpetrators not to complain to their parents, the victim then asked for money or extorted Rp. 1 million from BS, but BS, who is now a witness, did not have that much money and tried to persuade the suspect, he said.

"At that time the victim went back into the tent and finally the suspect was persuaded on the condition that Rp800 thousand was handed over, then BS went to Ketapang City leaving the victim with the suspect, to seek a loan of money from a friend, but BS was unable to get a loan," he said.

Meanwhile, not long after witness BS left, the reported went to the victim to the tent and raped the victim.

The suspect in this case is threatened with Article 81 paragraphs (1) and (2) and or Article 82 in conjunction with Article 76 letter d and Article 76 letter e of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection with a penalty of 15 years. prison, said Muara Pawan police chief.

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