TANGERANG - Internal Medicine Specialist Khalid Mohammad Shidiq said, although the Omicron virus has mild symptoms and has symptoms such as cough, runny nose, headache and throat pain, it is not easily eliminated with over the counter medicine.

He said that currently there is no specific therapy for the treatment of the Omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus. For this reason, vaccination is still the main treatment for prevention.

"Even though the symptoms of Omicron are mild, we must not be careless and continue to carry out the Health protocol," said dr. Khalid Mohammad Shidiq in Tangerang in his statement, reported by Antara, Monday, January 31.

The doctor at Sari Asih Hospital Karawaci Tangerang said the Omicron variant was undergoing local transmission. Three patients in Indonesia who were confirmed positive for Omicron died and one of them had never traveled abroad.

Symptoms caused by this type of Omicron virus tend to be mild, but for susceptible groups and have comorbidities, symptoms can be severe.

The Omicron variant is known to have symptoms similar to the common cold. Even though they are similar, the treatment cannot be the same, moreover the transmission is also faster than other Corona variants, so it needs to be addressed immediately.

"COVID-19 is not a disgrace, it is a disease that can be cured, therefore if you have leading symptoms and have a history of risk of exposure, we don't need to hesitate to check ourselves in a health facility," he said.

At the health facility, the medical team will carry out standard checks using PCR as the main standard, which will then be followed by genome sequencing examinations to determine the type of virus.

"So we have to be disciplined in implementing health procedures and reminding each other. Because the transmission of this virus is so fast and if there are symptoms, immediately check with the nearest health facility," he said.

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