JAKARTA - University of Indonesia Senior Economist Faisal Basri highlighted the infrastructure budget in the draft 2021 national budget (APBN). He admitted that he could not understand why this sector received such a large allocation of funds compared to health.
"Infrastructure development has increased the fastest from Rp. 281.1 trillion to Rp. 414 trillion. The highest infrastructure allocation in history amid COVID-19. Crazy, extraordinary," he said, in a virtual discussion, Thursday, September 3.
In fact, said Faisal, there was no certainty that the COVID-19 pandemic would end next year. Supposedly, the government should focus more on the health sector rather than forcing it to continue infrastructure development in the midst of this crisis.
Furthermore, he explained, the root cause of an economic recession is health problems. However, the budget for health management is even smaller, only at Rp. 169.7 trillion or equivalent to 6.2 percent of total state expenditure. This budget includes vaccines.
"The health budget has decreased, so it is more important to save infrastructure projects, rather than save human lives by vaccinating for free. What is this country? If in other countries the government has fallen," he said.
Jokowi's reasonIn the draft national revenue and expenditure budget (RAPBN) 2021, the government sets a larger infrastructure budget than the health center which is only. In fact, the State Budget this time was prepared during the COVID-19 pandemic, where no one can confirm when the outbreak will end.
Infrastructure development in 2021 is budgeted at around Rp.414 trillion, which is mainly for economic recovery, provision of basic services, and increased connectivity. Meanwhile, the health budget is Rp. 169.7 trillion.
President Joko Widodo said that the larger infrastructure budget was used to improve the availability and function of the infrastructure itself. He said, the COVID-19 pandemic shows digital infrastructure is very important and strategic.
Furthermore, Jokowi said that the Development of Communication and Information Technology (ICT) in 2021 with a budget of Rp. 30.5 trillion including through TKDD is focused on accelerating digital transformation for government administration.
Jokowi said that with this budget the government is committed to realizing efficient and fast public services, such as in the fields of education, health and governance; consolidating and optimizing shared infrastructure and services.
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The budget will also be used to realize community inclusion in priority development areas and promote equality with additional internet access in around 4,000 villages and sub-districts in 3T areas.
"Thus, infrastructure spending is directed at strengthening digital infrastructure and encouraging logistical efficiency and connectivity, labor-intensive infrastructure that supports industrial and tourism areas," he said, in a speech delivering the government's statement on the Draft Law on the 2021 Fiscal Year State Budget and its financial notes, at the Parliament Complex, Friday, August 14.
In addition, Jokowi said that the construction of public health facilities and the provision of basic necessities, such as water, sanitation and housing must also be carried out. This is what makes the infrastructure budget larger than the health budget in the 2021 APBN.
Meanwhile, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani said the ministry that received the largest budget allocation in 2021 was the PUPR Ministry from IDR 75.6 trillion in 2020 to IDR 149.8 trillion next year.
"Ministerial / institutional spending plays an important role in economic recovery and improving social and health conditions. The PUPR Ministry will win next year's budget increase of Rp 149.8 trillion," he said at a press conference on the 2021 Financial Notes and Bill on the State Budget, Friday, August 14.
The government, said Sri, is not without reason to give a large budget to the PUPR Ministry. This year, the budget for the Ministry of PUPR has experienced a lot of cuts. So that next year it requires a large budget in carrying out infrastructure development.
"We see that in 2019 Rp. 100 trillion this year will be cut to Rp. 75.6 trillion and for that next year's compensation for programs that have been delayed will be pursued next year," he explained.
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