MEDAN - A viral video of a woman asking the Mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution and the police for help because her house was burglarized. The laptop contains important data and the cellphone is lost.

This video was shared on a number of regional information Instagram accounts. In the video, a woman wearing a purple jacket shows evidence of reporting a theft case at her home in Medan Labuhan, Medan City. He made a statement on the theft case experienced.

While another woman wearing a gray jacket continued to cry behind the woman who asked for help.

"Please help, sir, it happened that our house was broken into, I have made a complaint letter. We really hope that it can be processed quickly because the items taken are valuable items such as laptops containing all the data. "There are two laptops, there are also two cellphones," the woman said in a video that was seen Friday, January 28.

In the video, the condition of the house of the two women is very simple. The victim showed the window where the thief entered and stole his laptop and cellphone.

"We ask the police chief to process quickly, we Medan residents need protection and to the Mayor of Medan, Mr. Bobby Nasution," he continued.

Regarding the viral video and reporting to the police for the theft case, VOI is still trying to confirm it to the authorities.

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