JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the MPR RI Lestari Moerdijat said the traditional and cultural approach must continue to be intensified in the context of the development of the new State Capital (IKN) in East Kalimantan.

"Cultural and socio-cultural approaches must be prioritized so that the benefits of the development can be felt by all levels of society," he said while visiting the new IKN location in North Penajam Paser Regency, Thursday, January 27. According to Lestari, the problems that arise related to customs and culture are easy. blown up for various reasons. Therefore, the government must pay close attention to traditional and cultural aspects in the process of developing new IKN. This new IKN the government has tried to build communication with the local community.

However, he assessed that the government's efforts to build communication were not sufficient and still needed to be improved. Based on observations from the Indigenous Peoples Alliance of the Archipelago (AMAN), some local communities do know that there is an IKN development plan in their area. Meanwhile, there are others who do not know, he said. Some communities who know about the development of the new IKN, he said, do not understand the consequences that will arise, including related to social, cultural, legal certainty, and environmental problems. The area that was built to become the new IKN is indeed a residential area for a number of ethnic groups in East Kalimantan. In North Penajam Paser Regency, for example, there are communities from the Paser ethnic group and several communities from the Dayak Kenyah and Dayak Modang sub-ethnic communities. For the development and development of new IKNs, Rerie encouraged the government to further intensify traditional and cultural approaches.

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