JAKARTA - The chairman of the DKI DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, proposed that the infiltration wells that have been built be converted into catfish ponds raised by residents.

In response to this, the Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria, made the proposal as an evaluation material for the DKI Provincial Government on programs that were deemed ineffective.

"Perhaps there are shortcomings in the process from below. Let's fix it. In the future, we will make sure that all programs will be much better," said Riza at DKI City Hall, Thursday, January 27.

It is known that the chairman of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, suggested to turn the infiltration well into a catfish pond because one of the programs of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan, proved ineffective in controlling Jakarta floods.

"Infiltration wells would suitably cooperate with the KPKP Service, then put catfish in there. People who take care of them, feed them, it will also become income," said Prasetyo at the DKI DPRD building.

Prasetyo gave an example of ineffective infiltration wells. According to him, currently Jalan Sriwijaya, South Jakarta and the Menteng area, Central Jakarta could be submerged due to heavy rains. In fact, the area had never been flooded before.

That's why, said Prasetyo, the DKI DPRD decided to drop the budget proposal for vertical infiltration or drainage wells in the discussion of the 2022 DKI APBD.

"Why have I crossed out the vertical drainage budget? What are you doing now? For example, Jalan Sriwijaya, Jalan Menteng, these are elite areas. Never since I was a child in Jakarta, that's called flooding there," said Prasetyo.

Prasetyo urged Anies to immediately realize river normalization before his term of office ends in October 2022. This program has stalled in the land acquisition process.

"The most correct thing is normalization or naturalization. After connecting from upstream to downstream, look for which one is still lacking, it will be found later. Sodetan must exist," he added.

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