JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said that two criminal cases of illegal fundraising have been uncovered during 2021. These t-shirts have cost the community trillions of dollars.

The first cases that were revealed were fraud, embezzlement and Money Laundering (TPPU) committed by PT. Hanson International and Hanson Cooperative Major Partners. In this case 10 people have been named as suspects.

The mode used is by raising funds in the form of a medium term note or short term borrowing or a summary of debt and time deposit agreements without permission from the OJK.

"The customer's loss in this case is IDR 6.2 trillion," said Sigit in a written statement, Thursday, December 27.

Then, the second case related to allegations of fraud, embezzlement and money laundering committed by PT. Krishna Life Insurance. In this case, stipulates a suspect with the initials KS.

"The customer's loss in this case is IDR 688 billion," said Sigit.

On the other hand, throughout 2021, the Police have also taken firm action against cases of illegal online loans (pinjol).

At least, there were 89 cases revealed with 65 suspects. In which, four of them are Foreign Citizens (WNA).

Sigit said, one of the borrowing cases that attracted public attention was the case of PT. Asia Fintek Teknologi, which acts as the company that organizes the transfer of funds in the illegal lending and borrowing activities, partners with several savings and loan cooperatives.

In that case, Bareskrik named 13 suspects. With details of 7 suspects are desk collectors, four people consisting of two foreigners and two Indonesian citizens are directors of PT. Asia Fintek Teknologi. Then, one foreigner as the owner of the Joint-Owned Innovation KSP who has an illegal online loan service application and one person who registers a sim card illegally.

"Investigators have blocked and confiscated an account belonging to PT Asia Fintek Teknologi which was used as a repository for funds with an amount of around Rp. 239 billion," said Sigit.

Apart from the series of disclosures, Sigit ensured that for 2022, the National Police will continue to be committed to uncovering all criminal acts. So, people feel calm

"In 2022, the National Police will certainly continue to be committed to protecting the community from all forms of criminal acts or crimes that make them restless and lose money," said Sigit.

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