JAKARTA - The Branch Executive Board (DPC) of the Gerindra Party in Banyumas Regency, Central Java, reported Edy Mulyadi to the Banyumas Police regarding allegations of hate speech, especially those directed at Gerindra Party chairman Prabowo Subianto.

"We reported Edy Mulyadi in connection with the alleged content of hate speech, especially to our general chairman, Mr. Prabowo. There were sentences that hurt us as Gerindra Party cadres, especially in the Banyumas DPC," said Deputy Chair for Legal Affairs of the Gerindra Party DPC Banyumas Regency, Junianto at Banyumas Police Integrated Service Center (SPKT), Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Wednesday 26 January.

Therefore, he said, the board of the Gerindra Party in Banyumas Regency took the initiative to report hate speech allegedly committed by Edy Mulyadi.

According to him, the hate speech that injured Gerindra Party cadres was contained in one of the video content on the Bang Edy Channel Youtube channel, entitled The Odor of the Oligarchy and the Threat to Sovereignty Behind Moving the Capital City.

"Especially in the 19th minute of the 53rd second to the 20th minute of the 9th," he said as quoted by Antara.

He said Edy Mulyadi's statement in the video content contained hate speech directed at Prabowo Subianto as the chairman of the Gerindra Party and the Indonesian Minister of Defense.

Whereas for Gerindra Party cadres, he said, Prabowo Subianto had worked well, unlike what Edy Mulyadi had alleged in the video content.

"We reported Edy Mulyadi related to the alleged hate speech. This report was carried out simultaneously by DPC throughout Indonesia," he said.

When reporting the alleged hate speech at the Banyumas Police SPKT, Junianto was accompanied by the Deputy Chair of the Gerindra Party DPC Membership Organization Division Adhi Wiharto and a number of Gerindra Party cadres. The report was received by SPKT Banyumas Police Brigadier Meilana.

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