KEPRI - The Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) Tanjungpinang City, Riau Islands Province, stopped the activity of hoarding land without permits in two locations in the local area.

The two stockpiling locations were given the PPNS Line, such as on Jalan Raja Haji Fisabilillah Kilometer 8 Atas and Jalan Sungai Terusan, Tanjung Continue Village, Bugis Village.

"We have coordinated with the Environment Agency, but there is no permit yet," said Head of the Tanjungpinang Satpol PP Tanjungpinang Public Order Division, Teguh Susanto, in Tanjungpinang, Antara, Wednesday, January 26.

He said the cessation of hoarding activities in Tanjung Continue Village after receiving information from the public. The Satpol PP has also called the land owner to come to the stockpiling location, but the owner is known to be named Agus who was not present.

They also do not know the purpose of hoarding the land. "We stop first, please take care of the licensing," he said.

Meanwhile, the cessation of hoarding activities on Jalan Raja Haji Fisabilillah, precisely not far from the Kilometer 8 Atas bridge, because the land was piled up by the owner to be used as a fruit stall. Teguh emphasized that the location should not be filled because it is a swamp.

"The owner's claim to sell it is not justified. That's not what it was intended for, it's a green line," he emphasized.

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