JAKARTA - Member of Commission II of the House of Representatives from the PKB faction, Yanuar Prihatin, assessed that the 2024 election campaign proposed by the General Elections Commission (KPU), which was 120 days, was too long. According to him, the campaign period is only 60 days.

"120 days is too late. It's good to consider, a maximum of 60 campaign days is enough," said Yanuar, Wednesday, January 25.

Yanuar said that currently it was still a pandemic so there would not be many direct campaigns. Therefore, according to him, campaign time can be reduced. "The reason is simple. In the midst of the COVID-19 atmosphere, face-to-face meetings, crowds, get-togethers and various other physical gatherings must be reduced. Of course to anticipate the spread of the virus," said Yanuar.

After all, Yanuar assessed that the campaign did not fully influence voters. Because, he said, voters' attitudes towards political parties, legislative candidates and presidential/vice-presidential candidates have been determined by themselves.

"In my opinion, voters usually have their own political attitudes and choices based on subjective measures that they have previously believed. The campaign does not automatically change that attitude choice," he explained. "So reducing the duration of the campaign makes sense. Large campaigns are usually followed by supporters whose choices are clear. Grand campaigns are more of a show of force, not the purpose of influencing voters," he continued. Yanuar added, shortening the campaign period can also reduce costs and prevent the bad effects of political tensions. campaigns can reduce campaign costs, both those issued by candidates, political parties and election organizers. Moreover, shortening the campaign period, is expected to reduce political tensions in society. At the same time brake the bad effects of campaigns that exploit SARA, "he said.

The General Election Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia has proposed a campaign period of 120 days, starting from October 14, 2023 to February 10, 2024.

"The duration of the campaign is 120 days, starting from October 14, 2023 to February 11, 2024," said KPU chairman Ilham Saputra at the DPR Building, Monday, January 24.

According to Ilham, the campaign period is closely related to the logistics of the election. The faster the logistics procurement, the campaign time will also be adjusted to be shortened.

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