KUPANG - NTT Regional Police Chief Inspector General Setyo Budiyanto said the assistance team from the Criminal Investigation Unit at the National Police Headquarters had monitored the investigation process carried out by the NTT Police investigator team regarding the case of mother and baby murder in Kupang City.

"Our investigation activities are directly assisted by the leadership of the National Police. Bareskrim has sent a team for our assistance and that was done last week," said Inspector General Setyo, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, January 25.

This was conveyed by the NTT Regional Police Chief regarding the circulation of a video meeting between Commission III of the DPR. Members of the council asked the National Police Chief to take over the case of the murder of mothers and babies, which the NTT Police judged to be slow to handle.

The Kapolda said that the arrival of a team from Bareskrim was aimed at exposing and conducting cases, dissecting a number of files and seeing firsthand the case which had quite caught the attention of the NTT public.

Inspector General Setyo said he hoped that the investigation process would be carried out thoroughly and thoroughly. Currently, the team of investigators is still completing the dossier for the murder of mothers and babies in Kupang.

"So we just have to wait for the time to transfer the case files to the Prosecutor's Office," continued the NTT Police Chief.

The NTT Police Chief emphasized that the handling of cases of maternal and infant murder in Kupang was carried out transparently.

"We have also carried out an investigation by means of a criminal scientific investigation and so far it has been going well," said Inspector General Setyo.

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