JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo mutated and rotated a number of high-ranking officers (Pati) and middle officers (Pamen) of the Bhayangkara Corps in early 2022. The National Police Chief said this was an effort to refresh the organization and also promote and some are entering retirement.

The rotation and mutation of the 200 pati and pamen of the National Police were contained in three telegram letters of the National Police Chief signed by the Assistant Chief of the National Police for HR (AsSDM) Inspector General Wahyu Widada on behalf of the National Police Chief on January 24, 2022. One of the transfers was Kombes Pol Gatot Repli Handoko who was rotated as Head of the Public Information Section (Kabag Penum) of the National Police Public Relations Division.

"Yes, that's right, mutation is a natural thing in the context of career development, tour of duty and areas as well as to improve organizational performance," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Pol Dedi Prasetyo when confirmed, in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 25, quoted by Antara.

The mutation of Kombes Pol. Gatot Repli Handoko was stated in the telegram letter Number ST/165/I/KEP./2022. Gatot's previous position as Head of Public Relations of the East Java Police was replaced by Kombes Pol. Dirmanto, who previously served as Head of Public Relations of the West Kalimantan Police.

In addition to the position of Head of the Penum Division, a number of starches that have been transferred are the North Kalimantan Police Chief (Kaltara) who will be filled by Inspector General of Police Daniel Adityajaya. This rotation is stated in the telegram number ST/164/KEP./2022. The telegram contained 19 mutated starch and pamen.

The new position of Inspector General Daniel replaces the position of Inspector General Bambang Kritiyono who was transferred to Pati Baharkam Polri in order to enter retirement.

In addition, Inspector General of Police Desmawan Putra who served as the Main Widyaiswara of Sespim Lemdiklat Polri was transferred to Pati Lemdiklat Polri in order to retire.

The National Police Chief also appointed the Main Policy Analyst for Sespimti Sespim Lemdiklat Polri Brigadier General Yehu Wangsajaya was transferred as the Main Policy Analyst for the Operations Management Division, Irwasum Polri.

Then, the Main Policy Analyst for the Education and Training Sector of the National Police Education and Training Brigadier General Benny Setiawan was transferred as the Main Policy Analyst for the Sabhara Baharkam Polri.

Furthermore, there are a number of other police middle officers (Pamen) assigned to the National Narcotics Agency (BNN).

Pamen Baintelkam Polri assigned to the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) Brigadier General Benone Jiesaja Louhenapessy was transferred as Pati Baintelkam Polri assigned to BIN.

In the telegram number ST-166/I/KEP./2022 the National Police Chief mutated and rotated 98 mid-level officers in the police ranks.

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