JAKARTA - The Justice Advocacy Team for VDPS, a student of the Faculty of Law at Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) who was a victim of rape, urged the South Kalimantan Police Chief (Kalsel) to fire Bripka BT on suspicion of rape.

"The Justice Advocacy Team for VDPS together with the ULM leadership, ULM Law Faculty leaders, and ULM Law Faculty BEM urge the police, especially the South Kalimantan Police Chief to impose a dishonorable dismissal (PTDH) on Bripka BT," said member of the Justice Advocacy Team for VDPS Erlina reported from Antara, Jakarta, Tuesday, January 25.

The Justice Advocacy Team for VDPS also urges the competent authorities to investigate the judicial process of rape cases against VDPS and take action against the parties involved.

As an expression of concern and a form of protest, the ULM Faculty of Law stated that it was withdrawing all students who were interning at the Banjarmasin Police and other internships.

Based on the findings from the Justice Advocacy Team, ULM Law Faculty students with the initials VDPS carried out an official internship program from their faculty for a month at the Banjarmasin Police Narcotics Investigation Unit on 5 July-4 August 2021. On that occasion, the victim became acquainted with the BT Brigadier General.

Bripka BT repeatedly invited the victim to go out for a walk, until finally the victim was forced to comply with the perpetrator's wishes on August 18, 2021. On the way, Bripka BT gave drinks which caused VDPS to become unconscious, resulting in two rapes.

The perpetrator has undergone a legal process and received a prison sentence of 2 years and 6 months. On the other hand, the victim experienced severe trauma and was assisted by a psychologist in order to recover the victim's mentality.

"There is no legal assistance for victims. Only psychological assistance by the relevant agencies. This results in no escort for the legal process," he said.

In addition, the advocacy team also felt that the panel of judges handed down a very light sentence, namely a prison sentence of 2 years 6 months from the 7 years maximum threat in Article 286 of the Criminal Code.

"This means that the sentence handed down by the judge is approximately a quarter of the maximum threat, 27.7 percent to be exact," he said.

Therefore, the Justice Advocacy Team for VDPS together with the leadership from ULM, ULM Faculty of Law, and ULM Law Faculty BEM, urged that law enforcement on rape cases be complete and fair.

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