MEDAN - The candidate for Mayor of Medan, Bobby Nasution, emphasized that the decision made by the PDI-P chief Megawati Sukarnoputri regarding the nomination of regional heads must be followed. Megawati's decision, according to him, must be followed up to the branch office level (PAC).

Bobby Nasution's statement was in response to the dismissal of 4 PAC PDIP Medan leaders who were known to loudly voice his rejection. The PAC leaders who were removed from their posts were known to be loyalists of Akhyar Nasution, a former PDIP cadre who crossed over to the Democrats and advanced in the Medan Pilkada.

"Two days ago I just finished attending the party school, the general chairman (Megawati) opened, she said that whatever the decision is is the decision of the DPP. "His decision must be followed, obey starting from the DPP, DPD, DPC, PAC, he must follow that decision," Bobby told reporters in Medan, Tuesday, September 1.

The four PAC Medan leaders were removed due to the action taking to the streets to reject Bobby Nasution's decision to nominate Bobby Nasution in the Medan Pilkada. They were also proposed by DPC PDIP Medan to be fired from party membership.

The four PAC Medan heads who were dismissed from their posts were Medan Area, Medan Perjuangan, Medan Johor and Medan Selayang. The four positions are now filled by the executor (Plt).

"This Plt Decree is the result of a plenary meeting addressing demonstrations by several PAC officials following the issuance of recommendations for mayor candidates. Because there was a PAC Chairman who was disobedient, we were ordered to hold a plenary meeting, "said the Head of the Medan DPC Hasyim.

He reminded that the four removed PAC heads would no longer speak on behalf of the party. PDIP emphasized Hasyim ready to process the law of profiteers of party names.

The demonstration took to the streets in PDIP uniforms on Wednesday, August 26, claimed to be followed by representatives of 11 PAC PDIP Medan City. They remain loyal in supporting the candidacy of Akhyar Nasution who crossed over to the Democrats and was fired by the PDIP DPP.

"We PAC Medan still support Akhyar as a candidate for mayor, although not from the PDI Perjuangan," said the Chairman of the PAC PDIP Medan Perjuangan, Tumpal Sitanggang.

According to them, Akhyar is a genuine PDIP cadre who has fought for the party. Meanwhile, Bobby Nasution is considered not a cadre. Akhyar is considered experienced and close to the community.

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