JAKARTA - The convoy of luxury cars on the Andara Toll Road has indeed led to prosecution by the PJR Polda. But the action is not in the sense of a fine.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol. Endra Zulpan explained the reason why the police took a 'gentle' attitude towards the participants of the luxury car convoy.

He said PJR had given warnings and education. This is related to the documentation process that they did during the trip. Akbar Rais, one of the participants in the convoy that went viral on social media for causing traffic jams, stated that the reason the Highway Patrol (PJR) officers reprimanded him was not because of the convoy. Instead, he did not have a permit when making videos on the Andara toll road.

Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya ensures that their action against the convoy of luxury cars on the Andara Toll Road is not without reason. Moreover, the toll road operator PT. Citra Waspphutowa contacted them.

"The convoy of vehicles taking documentation while walking uses 2 lanes and the 3rd lane is used by public transportation, but the toll road manager sees from CCTV that the convoy fills all lanes," said Head of PJR Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya Kompol Sutikno previously.

Referring to what they saw from CCTV, the toll road manager immediately contacted PJR to take action. The management patrol was on the way to the convoy and blocked the car that was doing the documentation, causing the convoy to slow down.

"The PJR patrol arrived at the scene and stopped the convoy by closing the lane and directing the convoy to pull over and giving other vehicles to pass," said Sutikno.

Back to Zulpan. The police have also examined all the evidence of ownership of the cars. And the police make sure that everything is complete.

"The PJR officers at the Polda Metro Jaya Ditlantas did not issue a ticket. PJR only gave a warning as well as education because the attitude of the luxury car was cooperative, so we only gave a warning. He also admitted his mistake," said Zulpan, Monday, January 24.

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