MEDAN - A prison-like building was found in the private residence of the Regent of Langkat, who has turned off the 'Warning Angin Plan'. This 'jail' was first discovered when the KPK searched the house of Terbit Plan Warin Angin during a sting operation (OTT).

The North Sumatran Police Chief, Inspector General Panca Putra Simanjuntak, confirmed the prison-like cage building at the Terbit Warin Angin residence. There were 3-4 people at that location.

"It's true that we found a place resembling a cage containing 3-4 people. From our research, it's not the 3-4 people. We are investigating what the problem is, why is there a cage," said Inspector General Panca in Medan, Monday, January 24.

However, said Inspector General Panca, the place was used as a rehabilitation location for victims of drug abuse. The 'prison', he said, had existed for more than 10 years.

"From the results of our investigation, it is a rehabilitation place that has been made personally and lasts for 10 years to rehabilitate drug victims," he explained.

Inspector General Panca said, when he looked directly at the location, his party found that there were people who had just entered 2 days before the KPK OTT incident. Meanwhile, based on the Regent's confession, the Publishing Plan for Warring Winds stated that there were also victims of drug abuse who were working in the fields.

The Kapoldasu said that the Langkat Regent's rehabilitation was managed privately and did not have a permit.

"It's private (owned), I don't have a permit yet. I studied how the health checks and those who worked there were. From the explanation in question, employing inmates who were healthy, were re-employed there. Most of them were rehabilitated personally, that's quite good, " said Inspector General Panca.

Because of that, the North Sumatran Police encouraged the North Sumatra Province BNN to facilitate the rehabilitation of the Terbit Warin Angin Plan because, according to him, the government was unable to build a rehabilitation site.

"Health problems are cooperation with local health centers, the intentions are good, but they must be officially facilitated to carry out rehabilitation activities. We encourage BNNP to facilitate this," continued Inspector General Panca.

Regarding the alleged modern slavery, the North Sumatran Police Chief welcomes any party who submits a report.

"Please (report), (the place) is based on the results of my examination based on the results of the arrest. There was no (persecution), I asked the wound, it is still in progress, the children (team) are still examining. "The field is normal from fighting. I saw bruises, the person was also not aware, the person we were examining was not aware, his urine test was still positive," said Inspector General Panca.

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