JAKARTA - The Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) Medan Branch, North Sumatra is preparing an ethics trial against unscrupulous doctors and medical teams who inject empty vaccines to elementary school (SD) students in Medan Labuhan District.

"We will conduct a trial," said Chairman of IDI Medan Branch, Dr. Wijaya Juwarna, Sunday, January 23, as reported by Antara.

Wijaya said that his party would immediately call the doctor and the medical team involved to investigate the case of the injection without the vaccine.

"IDI will summon doctors and the medical team involved to explore and analyze what was actually happening in the field at that time. Of course, from the principles and technical aspects of medical operations," he explained.

He asked the public not to panic and continue to follow vaccinations to establish herd immunity to avoid transmission of COVID-19. He also asked medical personnel, especially vaccinators to work according to the standards and follow the prescribed rules.


"For colleagues who serve as vaccinators continue to work professionally," he said.

The police have revealed the identity of the doctor who allegedly injected the empty vaccine into the student during vaccination at Wahidin Elementary School, Medan Labuhan District, Medan City. The female doctor works in a private hospital.

North Sumatra Police Crime Director, Grand Commissioner Tatan Dirsan Atmaja, said the female doctor who became the vaccinator had the initials G and worked in a private hospital.

However, Grand Commissioner Tatan has not detailed whether the injected vaccine is actually empty. He said the investigation was still ongoing.

According to him, to make sure the vaccine is empty or not, it will be tested in a forensic laboratory first. Likewise with the determination of the status of the doctor's investigation, G.

"We are still in the investigation stage by involving several experts, then involving several laboratories," said Grand Commissioner Tatan.

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