PALANGKARAYA - Head of the Central Kalimantan Health Office, Suyuti Syamsul, said that the local province is still experiencing a shortage of health workers so that additional health workers need to be added. have five essential staff, such as doctors, pharmacists and others, then only about 60 percent of puskesmas in Central Kalimantan fulfill them. Therefore, Syamsul explained, the addition of health workers in Central Kalimantan is still very much needed, especially for rural areas that fall into the category of remote or remote areas. So that the addition of health workers, both civil servants and government employees with work agreements (PPPK) is certainly needed.

Regarding information about the central government's plans for structuring employee needs and one of them complementing the PPPK, Suyuti admitted that she had not received any information regarding this matter. We know there are still many shortages of health workers," he said. According to him, if PPPK recruitment could be carried out, including for health workers, it would be very helpful in meeting the needs of regions, especially remote areas. government hospitals," he said. Syamsul explained that the more quotas of health workers, the easier it would be to achieve equal distribution of health services to the community to remote areas. including email equip supporting facilities and infrastructure. Furthermore, he also encouraged district and city governments to provide additional incentives for health workers working in remote areas. This is a form of additional support and motivation for these health workers.

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