JAKARTA - Sindir quipped that the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Giring Ganesha and the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan had not finished yet. During a social action against the eviction victims in the Tanjung Priok area, North Jakarta, Giring again made a joke about the sound system.

This time, Giring said that the best sound system in the world is the voice of the people. "The best sound system in the world is the Voice of the People, there is no need to use trillions of money," said Giring via his Twitter account, @Giring_Ganesha, quoted on Sunday, January 23.

Giring said, there are still many residents of the capital who are forgotten and marginalized due to Pharaoh's ambition, who likes to invite people to join his party. Unlike this Pharaoh, Giring and PSI will be with the people, mingling to feel the fate of the eviction.

"Meanwhile there are still those who are forgotten and marginalized by Pharaoh's ambitions who like to invite prominent people to his party. We mingle feel the same fate in the sense of solidarity among the nation's children," said Giring.

In a post on his Twitter account, Giring also sings with the people of Tanjung Priok. Using a guitar he brought, Giring invited the residents to sing 'Laskar Pelangi,' a song that tells about determination, dreams and hopes for a better life tomorrow.

Before singing, Giring invited residents to check the sound first. "Test the waves," said Giring followed by a shout "ioooo." The residents then responded to the shouts.

"Until Monas," added Giring. Compactly, the voices of the citizens were getting louder and louder shouting "Ioooo." "Thank you," replied Gring.

The quips with Anies Baswedan began when Giring reviewed the potential locations for Formula E to be held on January 5. Giring Ganesha was accompanied by members of the PSI faction of the DKI DPRD, Anggara Wicitra Sastroamidjojo, and the Chair of the DKI Jakarta PSI DPW, Michael Victor Sianipar.

While walking around, Giring recorded a video showing himself on a stretch of vacant land that will be used as the circuit for the electric car racing event.

Observation of Giring, the location is soft soil partly overgrown with grass. Piles of mangrove roots are also visible at some points. Giring also saw the goats looking for food.

While still holding the cellphone to record video, suddenly the sleigh's foot fell into the wet ground. He seemed to have a hard time getting his legs out. Until finally, he managed to get out of the "suction" of the mud with the help of others.

Anies Baswedan then invited Nidji, the band in which Mini was once the vocalist. Nidji was invited to try out the sound equipment at JIS. This was revealed by Anies through uploading photos and videos on aniesbaswedan's Instagram account.

Nidji was seen performing the song "Erase Aku" which was sung by vocalist Muhammad Yusuf Nur Ubay. Ubay is the replacement vocalist for Giring Ganesha, who is currently entering politics.

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