JAKARTA - The torture of a dog to death allegedly carried out by a man named Roi occurred in Ambon, Maluku on Wednesday, January 20, 2022. The dog, named Foni, was found hanging from the neck in front of a house with a stab wound to the head.

Responding to the case, the Head of Animal Defenders Indonesia (ADI) Doni Herdaru Tona also criticized the barbaric act. According to him, there is no tolerance for anyone who does this.

“Of course there is no place for thuggery in Indonesia. The police are required to be able to provide comfort to the public from thuggery, including this incident," Doni told reporters on Saturday, January 22.

He said that in this case it was suspected that he had violated several articles. Articles of animal abuse (302 KUHP), destruction of other people's property (406 KUHP) and or theft (378 KUHP) if the person takes the dog after being tortured to death.

So according to him, with the alleged violation of the crime, the police should be able to act directly without having to wait for the owner's report.

“Moreover, if the owner reports. Of course the police must follow up and immediately escalate the case to investigation if all the evidence and witnesses are complete," he said.

Doni also said that the Indonesian Animal Protection Coalition (KPHI) was ready to help if the owner needed advocacy.

"KPHI is ready to help if the owner needs advocacy," he said.

According to him, the rise of protests and public unrest related to animal abuse recently, is evidence of the growing public awareness that acts of abuse cannot be tolerated.

Meanwhile, the owner of Foni's dog, Adriana, revealed the chronology of the persecution. He said that on Wednesday, January 20, 2022, he and his family went because of his nephew's birthday.

But before leaving, Adriana had time to give Foni something to eat, and left her to look after the house.

"Foni is indeed in chains because I know the misbehavior of people around her when she is drunk," Adriana told reporters.

According to him, even though the dog is chained, it is still treated like a pet. But when he returned home, he saw that the walls of the house were covered in blood.

"The walls of my house were covered in blood, I was confused when I saw my dog was gone," he said.

After that, then one of the residents who is the head of the RT came to his house and said that the perpetrator named Roi had killed his dog while he was drunk.

"He said he was drunk. My husband and I immediately reported it to the police," he continued.

After returning from the police station, Adriana told her husband to look for the carcass of the missing dog the next morning.

"So in the morning I immediately looked for my dog's carcass, and what surprised me was the condition of my dog was already dead in a pathetic condition and in a hanging position," he said.

Although it has been reported to the Sirimau Ambon Police, according to him, the perpetrator was released because according to the police there was no solid legal basis.

“But the suspect has been released because there is no strong legal basis for killing animals. That's what the police said," said Adriana.

Adriana also admitted that she could only surrender, because she did not understand the legal mechanism.

"I just gave up, so that later God will repay. Because dogs are God's creation too and he is not guilty of anything," he said.

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