JAKARTA - The police sealed off the Hanura office on Jalan Raya Mabes Hankam, Cipayung, East Jakarta. The sealing was related to land and building disputes.

"The police streaked them because they were processing the TKP of land report from Pak Wiranto regarding land grabbing. But this has nothing to do with his party," said Head of Sub-Directorate of Harta Benda (Harda), Directorate of General Criminal Investigation at Polda Metro Jaya, AKBP Dwiasih in his statement, Tuesday, September 1.

The issue of land and building disputes, said Dwiasih, began when dozens of people forced their way into the building environment. They claimed that the building stood on land belonging to Ronny Sapulette.

In fact, referring to the Freehold Certificate Number 05804 / Bambu Apus, the land belongs to the Chairman of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) Wiranto.

"The land and office complex were reported to have been controlled by the reported hospital. The reported party then put up a banner in the form of a letter measuring 50 x 80 cm in front of the security post and on the outside wall of the building that read 'Minutes of Handover of Office Buildings on September 11 2017'," he explained. Dwiasih.

So, Wiranto sent M. Arifsyah Matondang to report the matter to the police. The report is registered as LP / 4521 / VIII / YAN.2.5 / 2020 / SPKT PMJ, dated 3 August 2020.

With this report, the reported party is suspected of pursuing Article 167 of the Criminal Code, Article 385 of the Criminal Code and Article 55 of the Criminal Code, namely the alleged criminal act of entering another person's yard without the rightful permit and / or embezzling the rights to immovable property and / or participating in a criminal act. The Hanura office was sealed off Monday, August 31st.

"In the investigation process, about 15 witnesses have been examined. The investigation process is still ongoing," said Dwiasih.

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