JAKARTA - Academics from IPB University Prima Gandhi suggested that consumption for the delegations of G20 countries attending the G20 presidency in Indonesia throughout 2022 should come from local food products, aka local culinary, so that the benefits of the international conference can be felt directly by the community, especially domestic farmers.

Prima in his statement when contacted in Jakarta, Saturday, January 22, said that the arrival of around 21,000 delegates from G20 member countries to Indonesia will certainly increase domestic food consumption, which will have an impact on national food products.

However, he emphasized that the government must ensure that consumption for the G20 delegates comes from domestic agricultural products.

"When he is active, it will increase our food demand. But again we have to look at this and also observe where the delegates are staying. If he stays at an inn or hotel that uses food products and domestic agricultural products, it will certainly benefit farmers and MSMEs. At least there will be an increase in demand," said Prima as reported by Antara.

According to him, there must be intervention from the state which requires at least the place where the delegates stay to use local food products for consumption.

"Reduce imported foods such as imported fruits. Such as sunkist oranges, replaced with Pontianak oranges or Medan oranges," he said.

Prima hopes that there will be a policy issued for where the delegates live to use food products from domestic farmers or MSME products.

"Otherwise, there might be an opportunity, when the inn is to use food or food that is not produced by MSMEs or local farmers," he said.

Prima said that the G20 presidency, which will start on January 26 to November 2022, is a momentum for farmers to sell their products.

"In my opinion, God willing, this will benefit farmers and MSMEs. There is a definite increase in domestic demand, the first," said Prima.

The government estimates that the G20 Presidency will have an impact on increasing domestic consumption by Rp. From that amount, it is hoped that local culinary will also be absorbed. In addition, the G20 Presidency is said to increase the role of MSMEs and help absorb 33,000 workers in various sectors.

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