JAKARTA - The COVID-19 pandemic is still a concern for all parties. Moreover, at this time the Omicron variant has spread to various countries, including Indonesia. Minister of Religion Yaqud Cholil Qoumas appreciated the provision of booster vaccines carried out by the TNI, DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and Walubi.
"What has been done by Walubi, the TNI and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government should be appreciated. The provision of booster vaccines for the general public helps the government in creating herd immunity in the community. Therefore, I support and support this activity. Hopefully it can be an inspiration for organizations, other institutions or community groups," he said on the sidelines of witnessing the administration of booster vaccines to the community at Hall C, JIEXPO, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Saturday, January 22.

During his visit, the Minister of Religion saw firsthand the enthusiasm of the people to receive the booster vaccine. The queue of residents also looks neat and well-organized. The minister also praised the committee's performance, for being very focused and implementing strict health protocols.
Father Asun as the person in charge of the organizers, said that the target for implementing the booster vaccine was initially only five thousand vaccines for 11 days. But in fact, one day the enthusiasm of citizens to receive the booster vaccine reached five thousand people.

The provision of this booster vaccine is open to the public, as long as it meets the requirements. Like already receiving the first and second doses of vaccine. "Residents who are interested in receiving the booster vaccine can register on the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's Jaki application and at www.loket.com," said Father Asun.
It should be noted that the DPP Walubi in collaboration with the TNI and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government held a booster vaccine at Ji Expo Hall C, PRJ Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, on January 18-22 and January 24-29 2022, starting at 09.00-15.00 WIB.
Minister of Religion Yaqud Cholil Qoumas hopes that the public can take advantage of the opportunity to receive booster vaccines as a complement to the first and second doses of vaccines that have been received.
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