DEPOK - Melvi Monita should be happy because soon she will give birth to a baby. But what felt was the opposite, Melvi was worried.

Melvi couldn't hide the problem she was facing. The woman, who lives with her husband in Depok, admitted that she was in debt because she fell into the cooking oil business. Melvi said, the amount of debt was very large, almost Rp. 1 billion. How could that be?

Melvi started cooking oil business about 6 months ago. At that time he was optimistic, because the goods being sold were staples that were needed on a daily basis.

"It's also new (selling cooking oil). Because this is the first time I've tried the oil business. Even the oil business has gone viral. Luckily enough. It's just that I can't control it, so it dropped.” said Melvi to VOI, Friday, January 21.

Melvi admitted to buying cooking oil at the agent. He bought it in bulk. Unmitigated, Melvi's stock of cooking oil reaches 500 cartons. One carton contains 6 with a size of 1-2 liters. Melvi said, to buy 2200 cartons the capital reached Rp400 million.

However, in the last three months, around October, Melvi's cooking oil business has experienced problems. Cooking oil piled up in his house. Melvi explained, at that time he already had his own calculations. He did not expect the condition of cooking oil to increase so high.

“At that time, it was still cheap. In the past, a carton was still 168 (thousand). Then after a long time it's expensive, people don't want it. It's been a long time from 5-6 months. Then after 3 months it dropped, so there was no stock to buy. Moreover, at that time I did not have any money at all, so like it or not I had to sell at a loss. With a capital of IDR 400 million, I can sell IDR 200 million. From there, I was confused about covering my debt here and there.” he explained.

Many people do not buy cooking oil because the price at that time was high. Not even a few fried food sellers stopped trading because they suffered losses rather than making profits.

The buyer of cooking oil is quiet, Melvi is looking for a reason. He finally released the stock of cooking oil to the stalls. The decision was taken because Melvi was desperate for money.

“It's like going to a shop, sometimes I like to sell 50 to 20 cartons to people and I sell 186 thousand for that nominal. I bought it for 225 - 230 thousand. Yes, sometimes it piles up in my house and there is absolutely no money. So I don't want to sell it at a loss. Let me put the money. I also have a basic food stall at home, so I can go to a basic food shop too. I sold it at a loss. Because I want it to be fast. From there I suffered a loss. From there I was in debt to cover the hole.” Melvi explained.

At first, Melvi hoped that his cooking oil business would be big and successful. But who would have thought that his efforts would actually make him trapped in debt.

Since then Melvi could not control his business. In fact, he admits that he spends more than he earns.

"I can't manage his finances, income and expenses. So more expenses than I earn.” I'm Melvi.

Melvi said, in running the cooking oil business he did it alone. Even though her husband is aware of Melvi's activities, her husband is focused on work.

"Because no one can control me like that. My husband also works. So no one controls the expenses and income. Pay for contacts, pay for motorbikes, buy milk to check the contents, like it or not, I have to sell at a loss.” he explained again.

Melvi said that because his cooking oil business collapsed, he was forced to borrow money here and there, online loans, which totaled almost Rp1 billion. Even to cover his debt, Melvi plans to sell his kidney.

“Almost 1 m. Yes." said Melvi.

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