JAKARTA - Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari is said to have offered to arrange a fatwa so that Djoko Tjandra would not be executed by the Supreme Court (MA) in the Bank Bali cessie case. Djoko Tjandra believed in Pinangki's sweet promise.

"The legal facts that we found by Pinangki offer a settlement (Fatwa) with Djoko Tjandra and Djoko Tjandra believing," Investigation Director of the Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes at the Attorney General's Office, Febrie Adriansyah, told reporters, Tuesday, September 1.

Djoko Tjandra is also said to have given some money to take care of the fatwa to the MA. However, Pinangki's promise did not produce sweet results. Because the fatwa was a complete failure.

The failure to administer the fatwa caused the two to disagree. However, Febrie did not specify the difference in understanding between Djoko Tjandra and Pinangki. It's just that the root of the problem is the failure of this arrangement.

"It is not finished (fatwa processing) because there is indeed a problem with Djoko Tjandra and Pinangki," he said.

Then, Djoko Tjandra used lawyer Anita Kolopaking to file a Judicial Review (PK) at the South Jakarta District Court. Anita Kolopaking herself is now a suspect at the National Police Headquarters.

"Then the management of the reconsideration acted to Anita Kolopaking so that the Police Headquarters which we coordinated was handled there," said Febrie.

Again, Djoko Tjandra must overcome the bitter pill. The proposed PK was rejected because Djoko Tjandra was always absent in court. Well, after some time, Bareskrim Polri managed to bring Djoko Tjandra home.

From here all problems arise. Among other things, processing fake travel documents. Djoko used a fake passport to enter Indonesia and made it out of the country again.

In addition, Djoko Tjandra is also said to have poured money into removing red notices. Of these cases, Bareskrim has named several people as suspects.

In the case of a fake pass, the Criminal Investigation Agency found three people gaping. They are Djoko Tjandra, Brigjen Prasetyo Utomo, and Anita Kolopaking.

In the case of red notice removal, 4 people were named suspects. They are, Djoko Tjandra, Inspector General Napoleon Bonaparte, Brigadier General Prasetyo Utomo and Tommy Sumardi.

Then at the AGO, Djoko Tjandra became a suspect again. He became a suspect with Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari. Djoko Tjandra as the giver and Pinangki as the receiver.

The AGO suspects that Pinangki received a bribe worth 500 thousand US dollars or the equivalent of Rp7 billion from Djoko Tjandra. In this case, the Attorney General's Office has also appointed Djoko Tjandra as the bribe giver.

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