JAKARTA - Three villages in Cirebon Regency, West Java, were flooded on Friday, January 21, after heavy rains hit the area and the Ciberes River was unable to accommodate the water discharge, causing it to overflow.

"The three villages that were inundated by the flood are Mekarsari, Gunung Sari and Ciuyah Village, all three are in Waled District," said the Head of the Cirebon Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Alex Suheriyawan, in Cirebon, Saturday, January 22, quoted from Antara.

The floods that submerged the three villages resulted in hundreds of houses, especially those on the banks of the Ciberes River, which were submerged by more than one meter high.

According to him, the flood that hit Mekarsari Village caused 369 houses in hamlets 1-5 and several public facilities to be submerged in water.

Then in Gunungsari Village, Hamlets 1 to 4, there are 350 housing units, a mosque and several educational places that were flooded.

"Meanwhile, in Ciuyah Village, Blocks 1 to 3, 245 houses were flooded," he said.

Alex said the floods that occurred in the three villages were due to the intensity of heavy rains with a long duration, making the Ciberes River unable to hold water.

So, continued Alex, water enters the residents' settlements. As of Saturday (22/1) morning, the water was still flooding the residents' houses.

"Water started to enter people's homes on Friday (21/1) around 19.00 WIB, and until now it has not receded," he said.

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