TULUNGAGUNG - Tulungagung District Attorney, East Java, executed Djoko Hariyanto, former President Director of PDAM Tirta Cahya Agung Tulungagung convicted of corruption in the maintenance fund of PDAM Tirta Cahya Agung Tulungagung to Class II B prison in Tulungagung.

"Our execution was carried out on Thursday (20/1) yesterday afternoon," said the Head of Intelligence and Security at the Tulungagung District Attorney's Office, Tri Radityo, quoted by Antara, Friday, January 21.

The execution process went smoothly. The prosecutor team picked up Djoko at the East Java High Prosecutor's Detention Center and then took him to the Class II B Correctional Institution Tulungagung.

With the execution, Djoko's status changed from being a prisoner in custody at the detention center to being an inmate at the Tulungagung Prison.

The former PDAM official was sentenced to four years in prison, replaced by Rp. 135 million and a fine of Rp. 200 million by the Surabaya Corruption Court.

Djoko had tried to fight the law by filing an appeal to the Surabaya High Court. However, the verdict at the PT actually strengthened the decision of the previous panel of judges.

Djoko still insists on making an appeal to the Supreme Court. The prosecutor did the same thing. However, in December 2021, the Supreme Court rejected the appeal filed by the Public Prosecutor.

"The PT's decision confirms the Pidkor (Corruption Court) decision, and the Supreme Court rejects the prosecutor's appeal, so that it returns to the PN's decision," said Agung.

The sentence received by Djoko Hariyanto was actually lighter than what the Public Prosecutor demanded, which was Rp. 7.5 years in prison, and to compensate the state for losses of Rp. 1.35 billion.

The evidence confiscated included cars, motorbikes and land certificates. The Supreme Court's decision did not mention that the evidence was confiscated by the state or returned to Djoko Hariyanto.

"We are waiting for the evidence for the full copy of the Supreme Court's decision," he said.

Djoko Hariyanto was convicted of corruption in the maintenance fund of PDAM Tirta Cahya Agung, Tulungagung Regency in 2016-2018.

In his modus operandi, Djoko manipulated the repair work on the PDAM's piping and operational vehicles.

The results of the calculation of the State Audit and Development Agency (BPKP) show that the state has lost at least Rp. 1.3 billion.

From the piping repair work, at least Rp900 million was found in losses. Meanwhile, from vehicle repairs, there were findings of losses of more than Rp. 300 million.

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