Central Java - Four COVID-19 patients with confirmed Omicron variants who had undergone treatment in Semarang City, Central Java, have been declared cured.

"Based on the 25 Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) samples that were examined, four people were confirmed to be Omicron, the rest were the Delta variant," said Head of the Semarang City Health Service Abdul Hakam in Semarang, Antara, Friday, January 21.

The four cases, he said, came from one person who previously had a history of traveling from abroad. The patient has even been quarantined for a week at the Wisma Atlet Jakarta Hospital.

The results of the PCR swab test for the person concerned after quarantine was declared negative for COVID-19. However, he continued, after a week, the patient felt unwell which was then followed up with a PCR test with positive results.

According to him, from the results of tracing the patient's close contacts, it was known that three of his family members were also positive for COVID-19. In addition to the four people, there are two more patients who have been confirmed to be Omicron but are not residents of Semarang.

He explained that both of them are currently undergoing treatment at two different hospitals in Semarang City.

From the findings of the Omicron variant, he called for the monitoring mechanism for migrants at the RT and RW levels, especially those with a history of traveling from abroad and Jakarta, to be improved.

In addition, he continued, the acceleration of vaccination from the first to the third dose will also continue.

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