JAKARTA - Korlantas Polri has dispatched a Traffic Accident Analysis (TAA) team to thoroughly investigate the deadly accident in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. Thus, the cause of the accident can be determined with certainty.

"Later at Police Headquarters Korlantas the TAA (Traffic Accident Analysis) team will go to the TKP," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Friday, January 21.

Later, the TAA team will process the scene of the incident. Then look for evidence and clues that can shed light on the cause of the accident.

Although, the current results of the examination, the truck driver admitted that his brakes failed which led to the fatal accident.

"The process of scientific proof of the cause of the accident stands out," said Dedi.

A series of accidents occurred at Simpang Rapak, North Balikpapan, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. Where, the accident involved dozens of motorized vehicles.

According to a video circulating on social media, the accident occurred on Friday, January 21, at around 06.15 WITA.

The accident started when several vehicles stopped at an intersection. However, not long after, a tronton truck appeared that was traveling at high speed.

However, the truck did not slow down. So, it directly hit all the vehicles in front of it.

In fact, as a result of the accident dozens of people became victims. In which, 5 of them died.

In addition, one person was seriously injured who is currently in critical condition. Then, 13 people were recorded to have suffered minor injuries.

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