JAKARTA - Three fugitives in the case of mistreatment of members of the TNI, Pratu Sahdi, have been arrested in their entirety. The arrest process was carried out in different ways and locations.

The three people were Baharudin, Ardi, and Sapri. In the process of arresting, some were arrested while hiding until they surrendered on the ship.

The suspect who gave himself up was Baharudin. He was the main perpetrator of the stabbing of Pratu Sahdi.

He turned himself in not directly to the police but to his boss. However, the boss, whose identity was not specified, immediately informed the police.

Thus, the suspect Baharudin was arrested on Wednesday, January 19.

"He turned himself in to his boss, he said he was on the ship. Then we picked him up in the Muara Baru area," said Director of General Crime Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police Grand Commissioner Tubagus Ade Hidayat, Thursday, January 21.

Furthermore, the police arrested another suspect in the Penjaringan area. He was detained at his brother's house.

His presence there allegedly to eliminate traces. Because he knew he was wanted by the police. However, the identity of the suspect was not disclosed.

"Another one was arrested in the Penjaringan area as well, at his relative's house," said Tubagus.

Finally, continued Tubagus, his party also secured one other suspect. However, it is not clearly explained about the arrest process. It is only emphasized that the suspect is also detained in the Penjaringan area.

Although not detailed, the two people are Ardi and Sapri. Where, in this series of beating cases, they played a role in hitting and holding Pratu Sahdi.

"One helps riding, locking and also hitting. This is still an analysis. An inspection has just begun," said Tubagus.

Apart from the arrest process, the police, in this case, have also found the main evidence in the form of a knife. Where, the knife was used to stab Pratu Sahdi.

"It has been secured, (knife evidence, ed) yes," he said.

However, Tubagus did not specify the location of the suspect Baharudin hiding the knife. It is only emphasized that the knife was obtained after investigators managed to secure Buhardin.

"It's shown where the deposit is (Currently, red) It's been controlled by investigators," said Tubagus.

Meanwhile, in the case of the beating that occurred in the Pluit Reservoir area, Penjaringan, North Jakarta, the police have named six suspects. Including three people who became fugitives.

Currently, the suspects who have been arrested are charged with Article 170 regarding beatings and 351 of the Criminal Code concerning persecution.

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