JAKARTA – The husband who had the heart to smother his wife to death after having sex, was named Warsoni. He is 41 years old and is registered as a resident of Kranjen I Village, Sidomerto Village, Gemuh District, Kendal Regency, Central Java. Warsoni killed his wife SS (29) in a rented house, Pondok Kelapa Selatan VI area, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta.

Warsoni's arrest was made after the Duren Sawit police conducted an investigation. In front of the police, Soni admitted that he had killed his wife, SS.

The Head of the Duren Sawit Police, Kompol Suyud, explained that his party only found out about the incident after receiving reports from local residents. Residents say there are people who died in unnatural conditions.

"There are reports from the public that people have died there, it is not natural," said Duren Sawit Police Chief Kompol Suyud to VOI, Thursday, January 20.

The atmosphere of the rented house after the murder/ Photo: Rizky Sulistio/ VOI

After the police investigated Warsoni, the chronology of the incident was known.

Suyud explained that SS was Warsoni's wife who previously lived in her husband's hometown, in Kranjen I Village, Gemuh District, Kendal Regency. So far, SS lives with his son at that address.

On Tuesday, January 18th, SS together with his younger brother named AI and his son with the initials H (5) departed from Kendal to Jakarta by train. The goal is none other than to meet her husband, Soni.

Then, Wednesday, January 18 at around 00.10 WIB, Soni, along with his children and siblings, picked up Soni at West Bekasi Station. At around 01.00 WIB, they arrived at the rented house, the scene of the case (TKP).

Suyud explained that in the rented house there were two beds where the victim's younger brother (the witness) and SS's son slept on one bed. Meanwhile, SS slept with Soni on another bed. At that time the two, SS and Soni, released their longing as husband and wife (couple).

After the two of them let go of their longing, at around 02.15 WIB, said Kompol Suyud, SS fell fast asleep next to Soni. At that time Soni's intention arose to kill his wife.

Suyud explained that when his wife fell asleep on her back, Soni sat on SS' stomach. Soni's hands held or pressed his wife's mouth and nose for about 20 minutes. According to the perpetrator's confession to the police, the SS struggled until finally he fell limp and did not move.

SS victims were evacuated by officers inside a rented house in Pondok Kelapa Selatan, Duren Sawit/ Photo: Rizky Sulistio/ VOI

After making sure his wife was gone, Soni continued to sleep beside the victim until morning. Then, at 10.30 WIB, Soni took her 5-year-old son to go to his brother's place (Bude) for temporary care. While the condition of his wife was lying stiff covered with a blanket and sarong.

At around 13.00 WIB, after waking up from sleep, SS's younger brother intended to wake up his brother. But really surprised when the younger brother found out his brother was not breathing. He immediately reported the incident to the local neighborhood administrator.

The Puskesmas staff found signs of violence on SS's body. This case was also reported to the police. Furthermore, the Duren Sawit Police carried out a crime scene investigation.

"Immediately we came to the TKP, we sequenced (chronology of events) like that. The first to know this, right there was his sister there then told the RT," said Kompol Suyud.

After the incident, Soni was arrested at his workplace in the East Jakarta area.

"He was arrested at his workplace, at a salon in East Jakarta," he said.

When the perpetrator was examined by members of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Duren Sawit Police, the perpetrator admitted what he had done.

From the scene of the incident, the police confiscated evidence of pink flower-patterned bed sheets and green sarongs. Currently, the perpetrators of Warsoni are still undergoing investigation at the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Duren Sawit Police.

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