JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin provided assistance in the form of packages of nine basic commodities (sembako) and school equipment packages for earthquake victims in Banten. , Kampung Cibeulah, Pandeglang Regency, Banten. "Everyone is patient, the government is still thinking about it. Continue (schooling) yes, even though it's been (hit by) disaster. Don't be lazy at school," said the vice president to the community and children based on information from Press, Media and Information Bureau (BPMI) of the Vice President's Secretariat (Setwapres) quoted by Antara, Thursday, January 20. As many as 1,000 packages of basic necessities and 500 packages of school equipment were symbolically given by the Vice President to 10 disaster victims. The vice president also took the time to have a dialogue with the local community regarding the post-disaster conditions caused by the earthquake with a magnitude of 6.6 on Friday, January 14. One of the residents named Ine Supartini is one of the victims whose house was damaged by the earthquake. Ine said the government had acted fairly quickly in helping residents affected by the Banten earthquake. "Incidentally, when the earthquake occurred, the Ministry of Social Affairs (Ministry of Social Affairs) immediately came here, did not wait long, to set up a tent," said Ine.

He also hopes that the government can help him and the surrounding community to rebuild their homes which were damaged by the earthquake. "(We) want this house to be rebuilt for sleeping, because for now we are still sleeping in tents or at a neighbor's house," said Ine. Also accompanying the Vice President on the visit were Social Minister Tri Rismaharini, Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Lt. Gen. Suharyanto, Deputy Governor of Banten Andika Hazrumy and Pandeglang Regent Irna Narulita.

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