JAKARTA - The people of West Java who are members of the Barisan Erick Thohir (BARET) volunteer declared their support for Erick Thohir to run as a presidential candidate in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

The General Chair of BARET, Bagus Machdiantoro, said that this declaration of support for Erick Thohir departed from the call of conscience of the community in West Java. But they have hope that Indonesia will be led by young people with high credibility who are visionary.

"The profile is in Erick Thohir," said Bagus, Thursday, January 20.

"He is a figure who can continue the struggle and development of President Joko Widodo," he continued through his written statement.

According to him, it is very unfortunate if this good development is not continued by the right leaders.

Erick's knowledge, experience and understanding in leading the Ministry of SOEs has gone through a very long journey and test. Evidently since the beginning of his leadership, Erick did "clean-up" in SOEs.

Erick Thohir's firmness in fighting corruption, he said, has been proven since the beginning of his leadership and continues to this day.

"For example, Erick reported the alleged corruption case at the BUMN Garuda Indonesia and the evidence to the Attorney General's Office," he said during the declaration in Bandung City, Wednesday (19/1).

Erick Thohir's determination to transform BUMN was realized by expanding the benefits of BUMN for the people. "Now BUMN is no longer like an ivory tower that is untouched by the people, but Erick has made it a collaborator or partner for the people," he explained, quoted from Antara.

Erick opens the widest opportunities for Indonesian MSMEs as partners in the procurement of goods and services through the MSME PaDI (Digital Market) program so that people's businesses can partner with SOEs and move forward together.

Erick also created a cheap cooking oil program with PT Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero) to ease the burden on the community.

"Erick also helps with education and the environment. Erick has even strengthened his determination to build a country with 'morals' through Islamic boarding schools. On many occasions, Erick has said that for him, pesantren is a beacon of civilization," he said.

Bagus said the BARET network has spread across 19 cities and regencies in West Java, with more than 30,000 volunteer members.

After this declaration, the Beret community will immediately move to carry out socialization to remote areas in West Java, so that it can deliver and succeed Erick Tohir's candidacy in the 2024 Presidential Election. Erick himself is always asked about opportunities to advance in the presidential election. Unlike Ridwan Kamil, who has frankly prepared to run for the presidential election. Erick tends to avoid or always answers that he is still focused on dealing with the pandemic.

But on the one hand, Erick's agile movements on social media are so obvious. He can enter all lines and reach almost all platforms.

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