SERANG – Salus Populi Suprema Lex Exto, People's Safety is the Most Important Law. At least that sentence became the grip of Kompol Kamarul Wahyudi, as a member of the Banten Regional Police who dared to take unusual steps when he saw a mother in a panic because her child was critical. Must be taken to hospital.

Tuesday, January 19, at around 17:00 WIB, Kompol Kamarul Wahyudi was passing in front of the Giant Jalan Raya Serang - Pandeglang. Kamarul saw a woman with her child in a panic. Kamarul took the initiative to take the mother and child to the hospital for help. In fact, at that time the traffic conditions were busy, jammed in the afternoon.

"We decided to take the child to the Drajat Prawira Negara Hospital, Serang by using an official vehicle and at the discretion of the police against the flow of traffic," said Kompol Kamarul in a short message, Thursday, January 20.

The mother who had panicked on the street because her child was sick and had to be taken to the hospital immediately/ Photo: Doc. Banten Police

Kamarul's action using the Banten Police Ditlantas official car against the flow of traffic turned out to be content on one of the social media accounts. Some netizens gave a negative assessment of the content.

Dirlantas Polda Banten Kombes Pol Budi Mulyanto responded to negative comments from a number of netizens.

"We are aware of the negative comments from netizens because they are not well-informed about what happened," explained the Director of Lantas Polda Banten Kombes Pol Budi Mulyanto, in the message.

According to Budi Mulyanto, what Kamarul did was in accordance with the principle of police service, Salus Populi Suprema Lex Exto, which means that the safety of the legal people is paramount.

"We focus on efforts so that the child gets health services immediately, the child is safe," said Budi.

Budi said, in accordance with Article 18 of the Police Act, it was explained that for the public interest, members of the police could act according to their own judgment.

"In the assessment at that time, it was appropriate for our personnel to exercise police discretion, and what our members had done turned out to be appreciated by the mother and husband," concluded Budi.

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