MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution reminded that the arrangement of the Cathedral Church on Jalan Pemuda Medan should not change the shape of the original cultural heritage building.

"All old buildings in Medan City are part of cultural heritage that must be protected and preserved, including the Cathedral Church. We know that from the start it was built for worship activities," Bobby said in Medan, Wednesday, January 19.

For this reason, Bobby Nasution continued, the various old buildings in the capital city of North Sumatra Province will be restored to their functions and activities, as they were when they were first built.

The mayor emphasized that the Medan City Government did not prevent worship activities from being carried out at the Cathedral Church, including the arrangement, which aims to increase the capacity of the congregation to worship.

"We understand the obstacles in the arrangement that will be carried out on the cathedral church building, because it is an old cultural heritage and has historical value," said Bobby.

"It's just that in the arrangement, in addition to following the applicable regulatory mechanism, we also ask the diocese to coordinate with the Medan City Culture Service," he said.

Meanwhile, the Archbishop of Medan, Mgr Kornelus Sipayung, said that the arrangement was made to accommodate the congregation due to the current capacity of the Cathedral Church which can only accommodate 600 congregation members.

"Meanwhile, the number of parishioners who are members of the Medan Diocese parish is 4,800 people," he said.

In the arrangement of this cathedral, he said, the school building will be affected. Therefore, he asked permission to arrange the cathedral and schools which are cultural heritages.

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