REJANG LEBONG - The government of Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province, has assigned 156 regional contract religious teachers to teach religion in 156 villages and sub-districts.

After inaugurating 156 village/kelurahan religion teachers, Rejang Lebong Syamsul Effendi said that this village/kelurahan religion teacher had previously passed the screening selection held at the end of 2021.

"Alhamdulillah, today as many as 156 village and kelurahan religious teachers who were selected some time ago have been inaugurated, starting today they have served in their respective villages and wards to teach religious matters," he said in the Rejang Lebong Regency Government Pattern Room, Antara , Wednesday, January 19.

He explained that the village/kelurahan religious teacher recruitment program was one of his visions and missions while campaigning in the 2020 simultaneous regional elections to realize Rejang Lebong as a religious district.

It is hoped that these village/kelurahan religious teachers will be able to carry out their duties in fostering religious fields such as teaching the Koran and praying, becoming khotib and lecturers so that they can increase the faith and piety of the people in the area.

"I hope that the Kades, Lurah and Camat will also monitor the presence of these village and sub-district religious teachers. They must be on standby when needed. Because they have been selected and are trusted people in the village and sub-district," he added.

Meanwhile, Head of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) Rejang Lebong Nopian Gustari stated that his party fully supports the recruitment program for village/kelurahan religious teachers carried out by the Rejang Lebong Regency Government as a positive thing.

"We hope that these village and sub-district religious teachers can carry out their duties in accordance with their provisions, carry out Islamic teachings in full harmonization. We hope that these village and sub-district religious teachers will be the shade, protector and conditioning of the people's hearts," said Nopian Gustari.

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