JAKARTA - The number of positive COVID-19 patients being treated at the COVID-19 Emergency Hospital (RSDC) Wisma Atlet Kemayoran increased by 4 people. With this addition, the total number of patients treated is 2,615 people.
"Inpatients at the Wisma Atlet Kemayoran Hospital Tower 5 and 6, Wednesday, amounted to 2,615 people, while the original number on Tuesday, 18 was 2,611 people," explained
Head of Information for the Joint Regional Defense Command (Kogabwilhan) I Marine Colonel Aris Mudian at the Wisma Atlet Kemayoran Hospital, Antara, Wednesday, January 19.
In the previous week, namely Wednesday, January 12, there were 2,160 COVID-19 patients who received hospitalization at the Kemayoran Athlete House. Thus, within a week there was a significant increase in the number of COVID-19 patients at Wisma Atlet Kemayoran, reaching 455 people.
The recapitulation of COVID-19 patients who received treatment at Wisma Atlet Kemayoran, starting from March 23, 2020 to January 19, 2022, was 134,722 people with a recapitulation of patients who had left as many as 132,107 people.
Based on the information received, of the 132,107 patients who received treatment from the Wisma Atlet Hospital, 1,072 people received referrals to other hospitals, 130,439 people were declared cured, and 596 people were declared dead.
"Then, at the Galang Island Hospital, the number of inpatients increased by 1 person after the initial number of 100 people, today (Wednesday) to 101 people," said Aris.
On the same occasion, Aris explained the development of the number of patients repatriating or returning Indonesian migrant workers (PMI), foreign service actors, and students being treated at the Wisma Atlet Pademangan Hospital. When compared with the number the day before, there was a decrease in the number of patients by 39 people.
"Inpatients (at RSDC Wisma Atlet Pademangan Towers 8, 9, and 10, ed.), as of Wednesday, amounted to 2,847 people with details of 1,447 men and 1,400 women," he said.
On the other hand, at RSDC Rusun Pasar Rumput Tower 1, 2, and 3, the number of inpatients decreased by 132 people to 2,953 people, from the previous number of 3,085 as of Tuesday.
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