SEMARANG - President Joko Widodo asked all parties not to speculate about the truth of the perpetrator of the KPK investigator raiding Novel Baswedan. The two perpetrators of watering the novel were arrested by the police some time ago.

The President also asked the public to give the police the opportunity to prove this.

"Don't get into a fuss before you meet. After meeting up with a scene, give the police the opportunity to prove that it really is the perpetrator," said President Jokowi in the Kota Lama Semarang, Central Java, Monday, December 30.

"Now the perpetrator has been caught, yes, we really appreciate, appreciate what has been done by the Police," he said.

Jokowi asked all parties to oversee the handling of the case. "Do not let negative speculations," he said.

"We will continue to follow, keep an eye on so that the people's hopes are met," added Jokowi.

Jokowi was asked about the need to form an independent team to oversee this case. This is because the perpetrators of watering the novels were active police. Jokowi said that the most important thing in this case is that the community protects the legal process.

"Whatever the most important thing is being guarded, everyone together escorts so that the incident does not happen again, the most important thing is that," he said.

Novel was splashed with hard water on April 11, 2017 while walking towards his residence, after performing the Fajr prayer at the Al Ihsan Mosque, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. As a result of the pouring of hard water, Novel's eyes were badly injured. He had eye surgery in Singapore.

Approaching the closing days of 2019, almost 2.5 years after this incident took place, the National Police arrested two active police officers with the initials RM and RB, who were said to be the masterminds of the crime in the case.

National Police Chief General Idham Aziz expressed his appreciation for his subordinates who were able to uncover this case. He emphasized that the investigation of this case will prioritize the presumption of innocence.

Meanwhile, Kabareskrim Polri, Komjen Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo, said the motive for the novel watering case could not be conveyed clearly. The reason, said Sigit, was that the examination process was still running.

Apart from that, he added, the information that had been collected would be combined with existing evidence. The goal is to make the novel Baswedan more convincing.

A day after being secured, the two members of the Police from the Brimob unit were immediately taken to Polda Metro Jaya to undergo an intensive examination. After being questioned they were moved from the General Criminal Investigation Directorate building of Polda Metro Jaya to the Police Headquarters. Wearing prison clothes, RB and RM, as if they were resigned to following the orders of their colleagues.

Surprisingly, when he was about to be put into the car. Suspect RB shouted that Novel Baswedan was sprinkled with chemical liquid based on his resentment.

"Please note, I don't like Novel because he is a traitor," he said.

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